What if Divorce were Not an Option?
Jul 16, 2019
I get it. Life gets hard, you struggle and you fight! You do that long enough and someone throws out the D word! And then fear mixed with anger & pride kicks in! Then one of you gets comfortable with the thought...then determined...and papers are served.
It’s amazing how quick people find themselves there. But what if divorce were not an option? What if you burned that bridge. What would you do? The choice doesn’t always have to be misery or divorce.
I’m not expecting to fix your troubles in a post, but what if I gave you a few tips to try?
1.) sit down, look each other in the eye and tell each other the story of how you met, and why you fell in love! Sounds silly...but it’s a crucial piece!
2.) each of you separately write down where you think you are on a scale of 1-10. In these areas: communication. Financial agreement. Children. Sex life. Then come together and agree to have a rational conversation. Choosing to listen & understand first. And then respond.
3.) pray together. Every day for the next week.
4.)go on a fight free date. No phones. Tell each other your dreams for the marriage.
These little steps will begin to help you turn your marriage toward a better path!
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