tips for better communication for kids
Aug 06, 2019
In the age where every kid spends a great amount of the day on handheld devices, we are losing the natural ability to communicate. So today I thought we would look at a few tips and techniques that are becoming a lost art:
1.) Eyeballs! Eyes are the window to the soul. Eye-to-eye contact, says “I’m interested in what you have to say.” It makes people feel valued. It lets you learn to see emotion. And when you are the one talking it makes you appear more confident and believable. The power of eye contact though is that it establishes respect!
2.) Play Pitch! Few people understand balance in conversation. If you hold onto the ball, you’re not playing pitch. It you don’t allow the other person to talk you aren’t having a conversation. So, if asked a question? Answer it and then ask them a question so they can answer. Questions like, “How was your day?” Should be followed up with an answer and then throwing the question back to them.
3.) Say their name! Everyone likes to hear their name. It makes us feel, known! Teach your kids to say, “Hey Mr. Smith, How was your day?” While looking them in the eye.
These simple rules will give your child an attractional quality, that will help them in powerful ways as the grow up.
So what tips do you have about talking?
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