Aug 20, 2019
You are not strong enough! Don’t buy the lie the world is telling you! You are not strong enough!
In every battle we face, the crowd tries to pump us up, to tell us we’re strong enough...tough enough! It’s just not true!
God knows you aren’t. BUT He is! Where did Moses find his strength? “In the Lord”! How about Joshua? “In the Lord”! Paul, the great Apostle? “When I am weak then He is strong”!
We face a war on three fronts. There is the “WORLD”—a system that is corrupt and trying to squeeze you into its mold. There is the “FLESH”—always pulling me toward selfishness. And the “DEVIL”—seeking to get you to break any trust you may have in God.
In the days of lords and servants, you would be living in your thatch roofed hutch working the fields, when the enemy would begin his assault. The good king would sound the alarm, open the gates and the whole town would rush into his fortress. In there the enemy couldn’t touch you.
Just like them, we are no match for that battle! We aren’t strong enough. But HE IS! Listen to me child of God, You’re strength comes from the Lord, the maker of Heaven and earth. Quit saying, “I’m strong enough!” But say, “He’s strong enough!” You be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Don’t run from the battle! Stand firm. The Lord is with you! Breathe! Rest in Him!
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