Stop Yelling at Your Kids
Jul 02, 2019
With my older three kids, I was a strict disciplinarian. When my youngest came along 13 yrs later, I was a much more relaxed disciplinarian. As my grandkids have come along, I’m a grace-filled disciplinarian.
In all of these varying degrees of discipline...never was “yelling” involved! And it shouldn’t be a part of your discipline either.
I remember when my oldest was playing his first year of little league baseball, I was leaning against the fence, in the “Father stance”. The coaches were on the field and there was the normal coaching style happening. And they were yelling at the kids. At one point, I heard one of the coaches tell the other coach, “Don’t yell at the Pardue kid, his parents don’t yell at their kids!”
Seriously, just think before you discipline your kids by yelling...or even disciplining them in front of others when it can be avoided!!
Kids make mistakes, they try our patience, they will embarrass us...none of which is made better by yelling, scolding or shaming. Here are a few tips to help you do discipline better:
1.) breathe, and ask yourself this question...”If the tables were turned, how would I want to be treated?” What ever the answer is, do that!
2.) lowering your voice is proven to have a better response, than raising your voice. It’s simply better! If you feel you have to yell to be have deeper issues.
3.) it takes only a few seconds more to find a private place out of sight of others to discipline your kid. It’s called “grace”. It’s how God treats us!
Your kids will respond quicker and better, they won’t feel shamed or embarrassed. They will be more inclined to desire to honor you!
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