simplify money
Jul 09, 2019
Money! Anybody have more than enough of it? Let’s talk “Margin”... again! This time with money. Margin: an amount available beyond what is needed. How much stress, fear, or sleeplessness is over money?!
Imagine what it would feel like to have margin financially. Most people define rich by how much stuff someone has. But freedom always beats stuff!
I’ve had my fair share of stupid financial decisions. But Tammy & I have learned a few principles to get us to a debt free place. So here are a few principles we apply:
1.) Money is fleeting. God is our hope (1 Timothy 6:7-10,17).
2.) live on less than you make! Quit chasing after every shiny toy! Set a goal to live on 80% (Proverbs 21:20).
3.) Spend your money on experiences not stuff! (Matthew 6:19-20).
4.) Be generous with what you have if you want more margin. (Proverbs 11:25 / Luke 6:38)
5.) lighten your load. Sell stuff you don’t need or use.
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