simplify margin
Jul 30, 2019
Ask most people how life is...and they will come back with something like, “it’s crazy right now!” Or, “ooh man, I’m so busy!!” Or, “I need a vacation!” What’s at the core of those responses? Schedules that are maxed out! We are in desperate need of simplicity. We need margin.
Margin! The amount available beyond what is needed. We all crave it we just don’t schedule it. Who doesn’t love flying 1st class with that extra room. An unexpected day off.
The problem is we never plan for margin. Where there is less margin...there is more stress. When there is little margin between income and expenses...more stress! When there is little margin in our schedule...we are late to appointments, unprepared for meetings...more stress! Where we are too busy to listen to our kids and wives, to busy to hang out with them...more stress.
The fact is our time here is limited. All of our time here will be spent. And, somebody will determine HOW it gets spent. I turn 60 this year. It got here fast. I have more days behind me than in front of me. This year, I’m creating more margin. How? Well...
1. I’m very conscious that my days are numbered and that time not money is my greatest asset.
2. I’m prioritizing better. Learning to say “no”! No to too much social media, work, and other time stealers.
3. I’m saying yes to face-to-face conversations, yes to serving true needs that others have and reading more slowly the scriptures.
I’m upgrading to a 1st class schedule with lots of margin, cause life is short!
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