Parents and Love language
Jul 23, 2019
I was writing a chapter on love, in my book on parenting this morning. As I was reflecting back on the way my parents loved me growing up I was overwhelmed with raw emotion.
My Dad, always anticipated my needs and met them without me even having to ask. When he saw me trying to gain weight as a skinny kid, he had his fab shop build me a weight bench he designed. When I needed a car, he got a 68’ mustang and restored it for me. As my kids came along he saw they needed braces and paid for everyone of them. He never stopped giving to me, til the day he died. His love language was meeting needs.
My Mom was always the cheerleader. Every word she uttered was filled with hope and love. She made me believe I could do anything. She’s 89, she lives with Tammy & me. She’s a little loose mentally due to dementia, but every time she talks to me she tells me how handsome I am. What a good pastor I am. How proud she is of me.
My mental, and emotional stability has always been strong...and most of that is due to the undying love my parents showered in me using their own love language.
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