Never Down
Mar 19, 2019![](
Life can get overwhelming some days. Sometimes there is a moment that feels like a punch to the gut! You lose your job, the Doctor uses the word cancer, a loved one passes unexpectedly.
At other times we have a series of small frustrations that naggingly pile up. We have chronic pain, and then we didn’t get the promotion. Add to that, one of our kids is feeling left out at school and now the hot water heater just went out.
With both scenarios we reach a point where we sit down in the middle of our journey, throw our hands up and refuse to move on. .
The better option is too deal with these issues head on. Have an honest evaluation and realize we have the power to choose our attitude. Attitudes flow from right thinking.
Job, a man in the Bible who had a series of gut punching news. His kids died, his home & livelihood was taken and sickness overwhelmed him. His response: Shall we take the good in life and not the bad? The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Paul, the Apostle listed off a series of terrible frustrations, failures and attacks. His Response: “These momentary light afflictions are preparing me for future glory.”
King David when assaulted with trials on every side said, “I will yet see the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living.”
Joel the Prophet, having seen the land destroyed by famine. Knowing the financial loss and livelihood was gone said, “I am confident that God will restore the years that the locusts have eaten.”
And, indulge me once more! The three Hebrew children, when facing a fiery furnace unless they bowed to the King, replied, “We will not bow done. Our God is able to deliver us, and even if He does not...He is still good.”
All of these share a common trait. They grabbed their circumstance by the shoulder and gave them a throat punch. They refused to stay down. Their secret? “God is able to take our difficulties and weave them into the fabric of our lives in away that is good and healthy for us.”
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