Marriage Harmony
Jun 25, 2019
Sometimes marriage can feel like two people trying to dance while listening to different songs.
Now I don’t mean that in the since of arguing, or not liking the same foods, or’m talking about living in rhythm. Where you are in sync with each other’s thoughts and emotions. Where you anticipate each other’s needs. You feel confident speaking on their behalf. These things don’t just happen.
A few crucial pieces have to be in place for this to happen. First, good uninterrupted communication has to take place. Tammy and I connect well early in the morning. It’s when both of us are more in tune. We walk away from that time and have a good understanding of each other at all levels.
Listening, reading facial expressions and addressing their meaning is crucial. We study each other. We’re eager to know what needs the other one has.
Time together is essential. Not the passive kind where you are in the same room. But old school time where you walk & talk, experience new things together, and share what your learning about life.
We have become a team, we have learned to dance together in this life. So how about you? What tips do you have?
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