Golden Rule Parenting
Feb 05, 2019 Not much hurts my heart as much as seeing a child embarrassed or shamed for doing wrong when people are watching the scolding.
I’m of the rare opinion that children deserve to be treated as we would want to be treated. Jesus, the originator of the golden rule, also had a heart for children. Parents would improve so much of their kids disposition if they applied it to their kids.
“Treat others as you desire to be treated”, is brilliant in its simplicity.
Do you enjoy being yelled at? Then don’t yell at your child.
Do you like your boss to ridicule and shame you about your failure in front of everyone? Then don’t correct your children in public.
Do you like for people to put labels on you? Then don’t put labels on your children.
It’s not hard to love your child in this way, you just have to think before you act. But this one rule applied lavishly on your kids will be a game changer, for them and you!
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