get your marriage hug on!
May 07, 2019![](
Affectionate touches are more powerful than most couples realize. If you’re struggling emotionally, mentally, physically or even spiritually in your marriage...touch will improve your marriage.
I don’t mean a touch as a means to sex. I mean a hug, cuddle, handhold, or shoulder rub. There is power in that to heal on so many levels.
There are too many studies to get into here...but trust me when I say that couples who habitually touch have greater trust and cooperation.
The simple act of close talking with eye-to-eye contact while touch an arm, begins to heal emotional struggles.
Don’t believe me? Try it! Brush her hair. Rub his shoulders. Give foot massages. Hold hands. Put your hand on the small of their back. Squeeze the elbow when you walk by. Lean on them. Kiss them. Try it! Just do it!Then after a week of that, come back and leave me a comment.
You won’t find a couple, no matter the age, who is “in love” and doesn’t touch each other on a regular basis.
What are you waiting on...
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