Be Still and Know
Sep 03, 2019
My study is in the old sunroom that was my Mom & Dad’s. It is actually, to me a sacred space. My desk sits in the exact spot where my Father Took his last breath on this earth. It is the place where the angels met him to escort him into the presence of Jesus.
I painted this room a bright yellow for my Mom many years ago. I recently painted it and moved my study into it. I left this plaque right where it was! It was hers. It’s a vivid reminder to me of my parents life. But more than that it is God’s heart cry to the world.
We are so consumed with chasing stuff. With worry. With regrets. With comparing....all the while God is calling us to something much more life-giving. It is to rest! To join Him in what He is doing. To slow down from the race. To turn out the world. To breathe. To listen. To learn. To recalibrate our trust and our focus.
God is calling. He is whispering. He is concerned that we STOP. That we become STILL. and that we SATURATE ourselves with the unbelievable reality that He is God. That He is the Most High. That He is watching over us. That He is SOVEREIGN and that He is GOOD.
It is there that perspective comes. That we realize that, “we may have a lot to think about, BUT... we have nothing to worry about!’
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